Petition created for transparency on CNN negotiated access into Myanmar (Burma)

Our team applauds and fully supports Alan Soon and Sanne Breimer’s petition for transparency concerning CNN’s negotiated access into Myanmar. As noted, there are significant unresolved questions around the mechanisms that facilitated this highly controlled and staged access.
In addition to that, the event hijacks voice share and airtime away from indigenous journalists producing organic content and replaces it with inauthentic “parachute journalism”.

If CNN’s true intention was to reveal to the world the ground truth in Myanmar (Burma), they failed. As part of our mission and within our collective, we are currently working with those same civil society elements and journalists in Myanmar (Burma); whose credible voices deserve to be amplified not drowned out.
At OME we actively cultivate, advocate, strengthen, and incubate the same organic media movements this stunt sought to denigrate. Updates on these efforts and their reporting will be featured in the coming days and weeks.
In the interim, please support Alan Soon and Sanne Briemer’s transparency petition.

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